How Bad are Free Radicals?
Hyper-pigmentation, wrinkles, sun spots, un-youthfulness and cancer are all caused by free radical damage. The body can fight these aggressors on its own but the effects show up as aging. Employing an anti-oxidant regimen will assist your body and block the damage of these harmful free radicals. Since blocking and mitigating free radicals are the number one priority to have better looking and truly healthy skin, Flaunt Medica has a designed a complete line of free redical neutralizing serums, skin-lightening, plus hyper-pigmentation countering products.
Did You Know?
Flaunt Medica’s formulated topical antioxidants have been shown to provide internal protection from UV induced skin-damaging free radicals. Also our detailed and specific regimens reduce hyperpigmentation, synthesize collagen and provide younger looking and healthier skin guaranteed.